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Thank you for your interest in our services. Metz Athletic Construction, LLC has been doing sports construction for over 28 years. 20 years ago we were asked to build our first bocce court. More and more requests came to us and we continued to enjoy building these popular courts. Since we have an extensive background in Har-Tru tennis court construction and Har-Tru tennis court material was so often requested for the bocce surface, it was a natural progression.

We have repaired many poorly built courts - some need small adjustments, others major repairs. We will always put playability first. Some active adult communities will tell us that once the courts are level and playing correctly the community interest increased.

Interesting to me is the variety of ages and skill levels that play the game of bocce. I never get tired of hearing a story about grandparents in Italy playing the game and how the bocce court was always the center of family fun and entertainment. For me, those remembrances bring joy in building bocce courts for clients.

After years in the industry and an appreciation for the game, we decided to develop this web site. Please have a look and contact us for an estimate for your very own bocce court.

Thank you

Ed Metz